Lucid desktop , A web operating system (WebOS) software that allow you setup own web desktop OS online. This open source WebOS is built with PHP and uses a SQL database for storing data. Plus more, Lucid Desktop WebOS is a multi-user application , which is very modular with the support for installable applications. With Lucid desktop WebOS, you can access your media, office documents, and other files anywhere. Meanwhile, user can stay up to date with Twitter, RSS feeds, and what’s happening on the web. Plus more, Lucid Desktop already comes with lots of applications like text editor, calculator, image viewer, simple games, web browser, feed reader, music player and more. With the help of a file manager, you can add-edit-delete files and folders (a context menu makes these steps easier), change the appearance of the desktop with theme support and auto-update the OS to the latest version. Lucid Desktop Main Features: Extremely customizable: Lucid allows you to ...
Sono un ingegnere informatico libero professionista e mi occupo della progettazione e di implementazione di soluzioni CRM per le PMI. Offro consulenza sia tecnica e quindi di sviluppo moduli, modifica moduli esistenti, integrazioni di sistema, ma anche consulenza relativa alla (re)ingegnerizzazione del processo aziendale.